It’s been two whole weeks since a bug in Visual Studio and the Windows Driver Kit has caused all forward progress on a project to stop. So, it must be time for another bug.
Remember this error from VS 15.8:

When you try to build a driver with the new “Just My Code” debugging feature (imagine me rolling my eyes here), you get undefined symbols in the debug build. Remember??
Well, that problem is back!
This afternoon (30 August) I was prompted to update VS to VS 15.8.2 — I’ve said before that I can’t stand that little notification flag being lit in my VS toolbar, so I let it go ahead.
And… I got the undefined symbols again.
“Ah HA! I recognize this,” I said to myself, “I’ll just go and disable Just My Code debugging, like I described in my previous blog post.” Yeah… that didn’t work.
It seems there’s a new setting that now also needs to be disabled. Go to project Properties… Select C/C++…. and in the “General” section, set “Support Just My Code Debugging” to “No”.

So, now you get to disable the wonderful feature on a project-by-project basis. Nice huh?
Well, it was a quiet two weeks that we had. Too quiet, if you ask me. I needed something to spice up my afternoon. Like the search for a new property and build option.