Here at OSR we’ve always been about sharing. We share our knowledge every day, in the Developer’s Blog, in The NT Insider, and on our famous NTDEV, NTFSD, and WinDbg support lists.
We’ve also written many utilities and much example code.
But, sometimes we’re not as quick to share as we might be. For example, we’ve only recently hopped-on the Git train. Now that we’re aboard, it just made sense for us to share some of our projects via GitHub.
Please check-back regularly because we’re constantly updating the code we share via GitHub.
Our Public GitHub Repos:
- CodeQL_Tools: Miscellaneous things for use with CodeQL.
- deleteex: Demonstrate the new FileDispositionInfoEx behavior
- dirchange: Simple utility to watch directory change notifications on a given path
- GenFilter: A generic WDF filter that can be loaded pretty much anywhere. As configured, this filter will instantiate as an upper filter of CD-ROM class devices.
- i30Flt: This is a simple filter that will block any attempt to access streams beginning with ":$i30:". This stops the spurious corruption warning triggered on certain Windows 10 versions.
- Inverted: Example WDF/KMDF driver and test app demonstrating the "inverted call model"
- kmexts: Simple driver to register all available process, thread, image, Registry, and Object callbacks
- OSRDIO: Simple KMDF example driver, used as a case study in our WDF seminar.
- penter: penter hook example and driver time recorder
- tunnel: Demonstrate the behavior of the tunnel cache on Windows
- WDF-I: Writing WDF Drivers I: Core Concepts Lab Material
- windbg-exts: Various WinDbg extensions and scripts